3rd Annual All-Florida Pediatric Echo Society Symposium

Oct. 21, 2017

Gainesville, FL


3rd Annual All Florida Pediatrics
Schedule of Lectures and Events

University of Florida Congenital Heart Center
October 21, 2017

Time Topic
8:00 am - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am - 9:05 am Welcome
9:05 am - 12:15 pm Sessions
12:15 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch & Exhibitors
1:45 pm - 2:45 pm  Sessions
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Break
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm Sessions
4:15 pm - 4:30 pm Closing

Each half hour session of this symposium will cover a different congenital heart lesion (ten half hour sessions in all). For the first 15 minutes of each session a member from our institution or one of the participating institutions will present echo images of examples of that sessions congenital heart lesion. Presenter time slot assignments will be announced prior to the conference. Physicians, fellows and sonographers from any participating congenital heart institution here in Florida are all welcome to participate by presenting echo images from their echo lab for their assigned cardiac lesion. So far the outside institutions who have claimed a lesion to present are listed below. Please contact Curt DeGroff if you wish to participate as a presenter and pick one of the remaining cardiac lesions to present images on from your echo lab.

There will not be time or need for detailed didactic lecture preparation from the echo image presenters perspective since for the second part of each half hour session of the symposium we are honored to have our esteemed pathology colleague Diane Spicer discuss the morphology of that sessions congenital heart lesion. Diane will have actual heart specimens from the Van Mierop Heart Archive collection that are housed here at UF available for participants review at the breaks.

We will have a special treat for lunch. Along with access to the heart specimens from the Van Mierop Heart Archive collection, our colleagues at the UF School of Veterinary Medicine will present some interesting animal cardiac imaging cases.


Congenital Heart Lesion Assigned Institution to Present Echo Images of Examples of their Assigned Cardiac Lesion
VSD Lee Health, Fort Meyers
AVSD Arnold Palmer
Coartc Nemours Orlando
Aortic Stenosis UF Jax
TOF  Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
TAPVR Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital
Pulm Stenosis UF CHC
Pulm Atresia Intact Septum Florida Hospital